Welcome to DCI!

I teach therapists and other professionals about ADA compliance, disability awareness, inclusion, and culturally competent counseling.

Approximately 20% of Americans have a disability, and that number is higher in many other countries. Do you know how to keep your business in compliance with the ADA? Do you know how to serve clients/customers with disabilities effectively? Do you have an understanding of disability culture? How would you handle requests for disability accommodations or interactions with a person with a service animal?

Our courses will teach you what you need to know to navigate all of these questions. We break down the laws you need to know about disability rights, and explain how to have an inclusive practice. You will learn about many types of physical disabilities including visual impairments, mobility impairments, neurological conditions, chronic illnesses, and deaf culture. Awareness is the first step. We will help you learn what you need to know to work effectively with people with disabilities and have a compliant and inclusive business.

Accessibility symbols circling the word counseling
Picture of Sarah Clark

Sarah Clark, LMFT, LMHC, CVRT

Sarah is a licensed therapist with a counseling private practice based in Indiana. She specializes in working with people with disabilities, and training other professionals in disability awareness and counseling techniques.

Sarah started out in this field in 2005 as a Vision Rehabilitation Therapist to help people experiencing vision loss learn to cope and thrive. Now, with 15 years of experience and training, she is considered an expert in disability counseling, and consults with professionals and organizations on awareness, best practices, and disability inclusion.

I didn’t realize how helpful this information would be until I did the training. It completely changed my perspectives and the way I run my business. – Renee

Sarah does a great job of breaking things down and making it easy to understand. – Tami

Disability awareness and competence is something I never learned in school. I was completely unprepared. Sarah’s training taught me everything I needed to become disability inclusive. – Jen

Sarah provided absolutely great information to our staff !!! We really needed this type of training and it was so timely with our growing customer base of people with disabilities. - Tim